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Improper Control of Interaction Frequency


To prevent server saturation and potential Denial of Service (DoS) attacks


  • Usage of Elixir for building scalable and fault-tolerant applications
  • Usage of Elixir Plug for handling HTTP requests and protecting against attacks
  • No rate limiting for API requests


Non compliant code

defmodule VulnerableApp.ApiController do
use Plug.Router

def index(conn, _params) do
# API logic here
send_resp(conn, 200, "OK")

plug :match
plug :dispatch

get "/", do: index(conn, params)

The following Elixir code exposes an API endpoint without any rate limiting, allowing clients to send as many requests as they want in a short period of time. This makes the application vulnerable to DoS attacks and log flooding.


  • Use the 'plug_attack' library or similar to implement rate limiting on your API endpoints.
  • Define rate limit rules based on your application's requirements and capacity.
  • Apply these rules to your API endpoints.

Compliant code

defmodule SecureApp.ApiController do
use Plug.Router
use PlugAttack

plug PlugAttack.Blocker, otp_app: :my_app, name: :api

def index(conn, _params) do
# API logic here
send_resp(conn, 200, "OK")

plug :match
plug :dispatch

get "/", do: index(conn, params)

defoverridable [block: 2]
def block(conn, _opts), do: send_resp(conn, 429, "Too Many Requests")

The following Elixir code uses the 'plug_attack' library to implement rate limiting on the API endpoint. This prevents clients from sending too many requests in a short period of time, protecting the application from DoS attacks and log flooding.
