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This section will help you use the API, which is built as a GraphQL service where you can consume data using a common query language. If you know how GraphQL works, you can skip ahead to the API Token post:

  • The first step is to get some GraphQL knowledge, how it works and how to make queries to a GraphQL endpoint, you can do it in this Introduction in the official GraphQL site.

  • It is recommended that before you face the API, learn how to make Queries and Mutations since these are the basics operations over any GraphQL endpoint.

  • Once you get the basic knowledge about the main GraphQL concepts as Queries, Mutations, Fields, and Arguments, you are ready to explore the API:

    • Go to the API Token post and use Browser method to see info about you (in this case, your role in the application, remember that you have to previously log in on the platform):

      query {
      me {
    • If you want to get info about your groups, you can enhance the previous query to do it so, remember that, since Groups is a list of Project entities, whose are GraphQL entities, you must specify the items that you want from them, in this case, their names:

      query {
      me {