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Configuration Files

In this section, you will find a list of the rules associated with the Configuration Files and security requirements.

MethodSecurity Requirement
JMX_HEADER_BASIC030. Avoid object reutilization
228. Authenticate using standard protocols
319. Make authentication options equally secure
JSON_ALLOWED_HOSTS266. Disable insecure functionalities
JSON_ANON_CONNECTION_CONFIG142. Change system default credentials
264. Request authentication
265. Restrict access to critical processes
266. Disable insecure functionalities
319. Make authentication options equally secure
JSON_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK266. Disable insecure functionalities
JSON_HTTPS_FLAG_MISSING181. Transmit data using secure protocols
JSON_PRINCIPAL_WILDCARD095. Define users with privileges
096. Set user's required privileges
186. Use the principle of least privilege
JSON_SSL_PORT_MISSING185. Encrypt sensitive information
266. Disable insecure functionalities
JWT_TOKEN145. Protect system cryptographic keys
156. Source code without sensitive information
266. Disable insecure functionalities
SENSITIVE_INFO_DOTNET_JSON145. Protect system cryptographic keys
156. Source code without sensitive information
266. Disable insecure functionalities
SENSITIVE_INFO_JSON145. Protect system cryptographic keys
156. Source code without sensitive information
266. Disable insecure functionalities
SENSITIVE_KEY_JSON145. Protect system cryptographic keys
156. Source code without sensitive information
266. Disable insecure functionalities
TSCONFIG_SOURCEMAP_ENABLED077. Avoid disclosing technical information
176. Restrict system objects
WEB_DB_CONN145. Protect system cryptographic keys
156. Source code without sensitive information
266. Disable insecure functionalities
WEB_USER_PASS145. Protect system cryptographic keys
156. Source code without sensitive information
266. Disable insecure functionalities
XML_ACCEPT_HEADER062. Define standard configurations
266. Disable insecure functionalities
349. Include HTTP security headers
XML_ALLOWS_ALL_DOMAINS266. Disable insecure functionalities
XML_BASIC_AUTH_METHOD030. Avoid object reutilization
228. Authenticate using standard protocols
319. Make authentication options equally secure
XML_HAS_X_XSS_PROTECTION_HEADER062. Define standard configurations
175. Protect pages from clickjacking
266. Disable insecure functionalities
349. Include HTTP security headers
XML_HEADER_ALLOW_ALL_METHODS266. Disable insecure functionalities
XML_HEADER_ALLOW_DANGER_METHODS266. Disable insecure functionalities
XML_INSECURE_CONFIGURATION130. Limit password lifespan
138. Define lifespan for temporary passwords
140. Define OTP lifespan
XML_NETWORK_SSL_DISABLED181. Transmit data using secure protocols
XML_X_FRAME_OPTIONS062. Define standard configurations
175. Protect pages from clickjacking
266. Disable insecure functionalities
349. Include HTTP security headers