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Use of software with known vulnerabilities


Update software and dependencies to the latest secure versions


  • Usage of Scala for building scalable and high-performance applications
  • Usage of Play Framework for building web applications in Scala or Java
  • Usage of Play Framework's MVC module for handling HTTP requests and responses


Non compliant code

import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._

object Application extends Controller {

def index = Action {
Ok("Your new application is ready.")

def version = Action {

The above Scala code is an example of a backend application that uses the Play framework. This simple application has two routes: the index, which simply returns a message indicating that the application is ready, and the version, which returns the current version of the Play framework being used.

The vulnerability lies in the version action. This action exposes the current version of the Play framework used by the application. If this version has known vulnerabilities, an attacker could exploit them to compromise the application.

For example, if the application uses a version of the Play framework that has a known security vulnerability and this version number is exposed to potential attackers, they can use this information to exploit the vulnerability.

In addition, the application does not perform any checks or updates to ensure that it's using the latest or a secure version of the Play framework. This means that if a new version of the framework is released that patches a vulnerability in the current version, the application would not automatically update to the secure version, leaving it vulnerable to attacks.

It is crucial to keep software and dependencies up-to-date and to avoid exposing detailed system information that could be used by an attacker.


  • Identify the software or dependencies used in the application.
  • Check for any known vulnerabilities associated with the software or dependencies.
  • Update the software or dependencies to the latest version that does not have any known vulnerabilities.
  • Regularly monitor for any new vulnerabilities and update the software or dependencies accordingly.

Compliant code

import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._

object Application extends Controller {

def index = Action {
Ok("Your new application is ready.")

def version = Action {

The above code is a simple Scala application using the Play framework. It has two endpoints, one for the root ("/") and another for the version ("/version"). The version endpoint returns the current version of the Play framework being used.

The vulnerability lies in the use of a potentially outdated version of the Play framework. If the version being used has known vulnerabilities, it exposes the application to potential attacks.


To fix this vulnerability, you need to ensure that the Play framework is always updated to the latest version that does not have any known vulnerabilities.

Here are the steps to fix the vulnerability:

  1. Identify the version of the Play framework being used. You can do this by checking the output of the "/version" endpoint or by checking the build configuration.

  2. Check if there are any known vulnerabilities for the version of the Play framework being used. You can do this by checking vulnerability databases like the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) or the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system.

  3. If there are known vulnerabilities, update the Play framework to the latest version that does not have any known vulnerabilities. You can do this by updating the version in the build configuration and then rebuilding the application.

  4. Regularly monitor for any new vulnerabilities in the Play framework and update the version being used accordingly. You can do this by subscribing to vulnerability alerts for the Play framework or by regularly checking vulnerability databases.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your application is not using a version of the Play framework with known vulnerabilities, thereby reducing the risk of potential attacks.
