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SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol that provides a secure, encrypted connection to remote devices over the cloud. SSH connectivity is established through an authentication process that uses public and private key cryptography.

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The following section describes how to add a git root with SSH credentials.

Adding a root with the SSH key

SSH keys enable you to connect to your repository server without a username and password. Here, you have to supply a Private Key. If you need to set up an SSH Key, we recommend reading this document: Use SSH keys to communicate with GitLab.

  1. First, go to the Scope section and click Add a new root. Here, you have two options: to add it through Oauth (Open Authorization) or manually. In this section, we will explain you manually, but if you want to see how to do it via Oauth, go to this link.

    Https git

  2. Click on the Add root manually button; you will get a popup window where you must enter the information of the new repository you want to add.

    Https git

    Nota: When adding an SSH type URL, it will be automatically identified by entering the type in the Credential Type field.

  3. When filling in all the fields, click the Confirm button, and the SSH input will appear in the Git Roots section.

Note: If you want to know what each field to fill in when creating a git root, you can go to the following link.