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Metadata are variables that influence the final rendering of pages and how search engines index them. Below, we show a table with the mandatory metadata for a blog post:

:page-slug:The portion of the link that goes after, completing the URL where we can find the new blog post (e.g., code-translate/). It must not exceed 35 characters and must contain the main words of the post (preferably associated with the title and subtitle), all in lower case and separated by hyphens. In addition, it may have numbers but no spaces, prepositions, conjunctions or connectors, or special characters.
:page-date:Date of publication of the blog post. It must follow the format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., 2021-06-24).
:page-subtitle:Short subtitle that can capture the purpose or main idea of the blog post. It must not exceed 55 characters.
:page-category:The category (only one) to which the new blog post belongs (e.g., attacks, philosophy, machine-learning; see all categories here). It must appear in lowercase letters.
:page-tags:Noteworthy words related to the main topic that index the blog post internally. They must be no more than six and must appear in lower case and separated by commas (see all tags here).
:page-image:The full link to the cover image of the blog post. It must be in Cloudinary, and its filename extension must be .webp (this also applies to the images that appear in the body of the post).
:page-alt:The reference to the author of the cover photo or image (e.g., Photo by Tomas Sobek on Unsplash).
:page-description:A summary of the main idea of the blog post that appears in the blog index and search engine results. It must be no longer than 160 characters and no shorter than 80 characters.
:page-keywords:The most important words in the blog post through which a search engine can find it. They must be no more than nine (including the keywords Ethical Hacking and Pentesting that we must always use). Some of them can be the same as the tags, and all of them must appear with initial capital letters and separated by commas.
:page-author:Name and first surname of the author of the blog post.
:page-writer:Name of the image (in lower case) that represents the author of the blog post (e.g., the name of Arturo Monsalve's image is amonsalve).
:about1:Information describing the author, such as academic experience, profession or business role (e.g., Systems Engineering undergraduate student; Cybersecurity Editor).
:about2:Additional information about the author (this is optional): personal interests, links to personal blogs or profiles, motivational quotes.
:source:Link to the cover image from Unsplash.