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Forces is the product responsible for the client-side part of the DevSecOps agent. It uses the Integrates API to communicate with the back-end.


Please read the contributing page first.

Development Environment

Follow the steps in the Development Environment section of our documentation.

When prompted for an AWS role, choose dev, and when prompted for a Development Environment, pick integratesForces.

Local Environment

CLI Application

Run this command within the universe repository:

m . /integrates/forces

This will build and run the Forces CLI application, including the changes you've made to the source code.


Run these commands within the universe repository:

# Build the container image (a tarball)
m . /integrates/forces/container
# Load the tarball into the local Docker repository
docker load < ~/.cache/makes/out-integrates-forces-container
# Run the container image
docker run --rm container-image:latest forces

This will build and run the Forces container image, including the changes you've made to the source code.